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Cost of storing household goods

Published by Chenelle on


It could be that time of the year when the decluttering, refurbishment, downsizing or moving out begins. What better way to prepare for what’s to come than to know the cost of storing household goods? Keep reading to find out more on how best to budget your storage process!

Why is it essential to consider the cost of storing household goods?

If it is your first time obtaining storage services, you are likely to feel overwhelmed at first. Our aim is to make this process smooth as ever, by providing you with as much information as we can. Pricing and costs are quite the debacle. You might feel like this is all over the place.

Firstly, it is important to have a budget for several reasons. The most important one of them is to find the solution that fits you best. You can filter out the unnecessary or irrelevant options to find what you really need to fulfill your purpose and storage requirements. After all, you must only pay for the services you need or receive.

We live in a day and age where the pricing of services is blowing off the roof. So it is vital that you resort to economical means in your search for storage solutions for household goods.

Factors that affect the cost of storing household goods

There are several factors that have a direct effect on the cost of storage prices for household goods. It may vary from company to company, located from place to place. It really is quite simple, the higher the demand, the higher the price is. However, below we have listed out some factors that in general are likely to affect the price of household goods.

What is the location of the storage facility?

Have you given much thought to the location of the facility in which you wish to store your household goods? If you have not, this is your sign to do so. The location of the facility is important for multiple reasons.

For one, storage facilities located in a more urban setting would be priced higher. This typically is due to an increase in demand. Just like real estate, the busier your city, the higher would the price of storage be. Then again you might want to consider ease of access as well.

You would be in for a treat if you are based in a quaint location like the suburbs. Since the demand for storage is comparatively less, the facilities would be priced less as well.

On the other hand, access to storage facilities that are located closer to your residence will be more convenient. You will be able to avoid costs such as transportation and logistics.

Best to take note of how often you will have to access your storage space. The deal with household items is that your need for them can come up at any time. Whether you are throwing a party or have visitors coming over, you might have to get ahold of that set of cutlery, china, or even furniture.

Size of the storage facility

Whether you like it or not, size matters where storage is concerned. A common observation is that certain clients overlook this aspect. While you do not want your storage space to be too small, you do not want it to be too big either.

The unit only has to be spacious enough to accommodate what you plan to keep in storage. If you rent a space that is too big, you will spend exorbitantly and you will not receive the services for which you pay. Imagine storing a couple of porcelain plates and cutlery in a massive space of storage? Ideally, a locker of sorts would be more than enough for these kinds of household goods.

What type of storage do you require?

Storage for household goods can come in different forms. Outdoor or indoor storage primarily. Outdoor storage lets you access your items while they are left outside. This method of storage is ideal if you are planning on leaving your items in storage temporarily. Or for a couple of days. Containerised storage mainly falls within this category. If you are on a budget, then you might want to consider this option. It might not be the best where security is concerned, although the availability of containers makes up for this factor.

On the other hand, indoor storage should be your go to option if you are looking for a more stable and long term storage solution. It is far more secure since it has got systems of surveillance and security in place. Indoor storage come with the added benefit of other perks such as climate controlled units as well. This provides your items far more protection and sustenance. Ofcourse it comes at a price, but so does everything good!

Amenities and services

While there are certain amenities you will be required to choose from, certain others are provided automatically. For instance, surveillance and security. Most storage companies must maintain a level of security within their premises to avoid liability. However big or small, it is the responsibility of the company to dispense a duty of care while the items are within their premises. Having CCTV cameras in place as well as personnel will not only protect your household goods, but also give you a sense of relief.4

We mentioned you may choose certain other amenities and temperature controlled facilities. Any wooden or furniture with a fabric base placed under long term storage will need such facilities. It is inevitable for dust particles and even humidity to seep through which provides a safe haven for mold and other nasty reside. This will damage and tarnish the value of your goods forever and you do not want that.


If you are keeping household goods in storage, then chances are you will need to access them at any time. You will have to communicate this with your storage provider and find a company that lets you gain access to your items whenever the need arises. This could be either during business hours or after the closure of business.

Why we included this bit is because certain companies will let you access your items only while it is open for business and not otherwise. Storage companies that are open 24.7 will be a tad expensive although they are ideal if you are placing items such as books, wine, cutlery, utensils etc in storage. If you have suddenly decided to entertain visitors for dinner, then you quite simply cannot afford to wait till the next day. This is why 24/7 access comes in handy.

How long is the stay?

Depending on what your requirement is, long term or short term storage will affect the total cost of placing household items in storage.

For instance, the longer you decide to keep your items in storage, the less you will pay for more. Certain companies will gladly provide you discounts and other added benefits to make the service worthwhile and valued for money.

On the other hand, shorter durations will lead you to pay a price that is a tad higher since it will be a one-off service. If you are looking to place your items in long term storage, we can tell you are in for a better bargain.