Mini storage units

Are you wondering where to keep your valuables on a short term basis? Then our mini storage units would be ideal for you.
Why would you need a mini storage unit?
As opposed to keeping your items in storage as a family, mini storage units are most favourable for individuals. If you are only hoping to keep your items in storage, then you will certainly not require massive storage spaces. Perhaps a unit that is the size of a locker or a space that is a tad more significant than that would suffice. Maybe even a closet would do. It all really comes down to how safe this space is when holding your precious belongings.
Needless to say, storage in such units is an affordable method to keep your belongings safe, for the time being.
What makes mini and self storage different?
Mini storage and self storage are essentially the same. Mini strogae facilities however display minor differences that are trivial.
self storage or self service storage typically lets you access your items whenever you wish to do so. Despite any time within the day, should the need arise, it really is just a matter of driving to your unit and accessing your unit with the key or security card/ pin that has been allocated to you.
Mini storage solutions on the other hand are a great place to store those extra nicknacks that you just cannot afford to get rid of. Perhaps they might be carrying some kind of sentimental value to you, or it could be a family heirloom that has been passed down to you through generations. Whichever it is, mini storage solutions are a a secure space that will protect your items.
key benefits
There are many benefits to these storage units. Are you in possession of items that you just cannot simply get rid of, but need to hold on to? we got you covered. Not only are they convenient, but they are also great to create a clutter free environment in your residence. You get to keep anything ranging from costumes to sports outfits and even family heirlooms with sentimental value. Retain all these and more without the clutter.
Mini Storage for short term use
You will come across situations that will not require you to rent out storage solutions in the long run. Your requirement might in fact be temporary or short term. You would be delighted to know that you can now keep your items in short term storage, through our exquisite mini storage solutions.
Flexibility is the key characteristic of mini storage. Therefore you may not have to worry about a thing when considering satisfying a minimum duration of storage. You really will not have to commit to keeping your items in storage for an entire year. Whether it be for a couple of weeks, months or even days, we have got you covered.
Storage after college
Are you a recent graduate on the lookout for apartments? Chances are that you would most probably still be in possession of a bunch of college items that you will no longer need to use. From books to merchandise, you will not have enough space to keep everything in storage. This does not ofcourse mean that you should toss everything in the garbage. They would be of sentimental value to you, we would hold on to our college memorabilia for as long as we could. This is why mini storage is the perfect short term solution. You can keep your items in storage until you move into an apartment or move back home.
Fortunately, most storage units even offer students and graduates solutions at a discounted rate, so you will always be within your budget.
Business expansion
What was once a start up might now be growing to a medium business. As exciting the thought of the expansion of your business might sound, chaos might be brewing at home, where you began operations. You might even be out growing your small office room or garage. Moving to a new facility or renting out a new space might certainly sound delightful. Although this might not be the affordable option for most of you, especially if you are at the initial stages of your business. Mini storage solutions might in fact be the more rational option since it will be sufficient to store just what is required to be kept in storage given the span of time. At a time where you might be just looking to cut costs down, mini storage might be a cost efficient solution for you. Lets not forget the flexibility factor, since customers will be offered solutions to suit their needs and requirements.
Downsizing can be regarded as a valid reason to resort to the assistance of mini storage units. It is convenient, efficient and affordable, so why not? You might find yourself downsizing for a variety of reasons. It could be due to the loss of a loved one, or ending of a relationship, or it could even be due to you relocating elsewhere. Whichever your reason is, mini storage units are a viable option if you have very little items to keep in storage. If it is not needed frequently, but you see future use to it, it really is just a matter of tossing your items in a mini storage unit.
Secure mini storage facilities
Most often than not, it is those items we consider valuable that we proceed to keep in storage. If not, naturally we would not even go through all the trouble of keeping our items in a storage facility. A major chunk of what you pay for the services you receive are allocated to security. You should be able to rely on the security services offered by the storage company since they will be responsible to take care of your items. After all, you will be keeping your personal items and belongings in storage.
It really does go beyond a simple lock and key. Professional storage services will offer you facilities that have extensive and complex systems of security in place. This may include biometric security solutions, key cards, pin locks and round the clock surveillance through security cameras and personnel. It can really be secure, although this will depend on how much you are willing to spend on a service that has a solid security plan for its customers.
Things you can keep in mini storage
Have you thought of what to keep in storage by now? If you are a little confused, let us guide you through what to keep in mini storage. Trust us, it really is not rocket science. Apart from the typical electronic appliances and winter clothing, here are some other items you can place in storage.
Seasonal equipment
Holidays like Christmas, thanks giving and even Halloween come once a year. There is no need to keep them lying around your house for no apparent reason, specially since there is no use for them otherwise. You might even be running out of space in your basement or garage, with a growing family and job, finding sufficient space might be chaotic. Your next best option would be mini storage.
Sporting items
If you used to regularly engage in a sport, and you don’t anymore, you might probably be wondering what to do with your old sporting gear. You might want to keep them around for longer, specially if you have grown to be attached to them. You would be surprised at what sporting gear you are able to keep in mini storage. Rackets, balls. sleds and even clothing items can be kept in storage.
As the saying goes, reading maketh a man. Books are one of the greatest treasures we own. Because they carry so much value. They might have been passed down to you from generation to generation, or even a gift to you by a loved one. Perhaps they could even be the old college books that you are unable to get rid of due to the high value they hold. We revisit books when the need is, we cannot tell when but perhaps sometime down the line, you will want to get a hold of them. Mini storage solutions are an excellent method to keep your precious books in storage as they are safe, clean, and secure. You will be able to get them back in that same mint condition that we all love.
Electronic appliances
There are certain appliances in all of our homes that we ever so rarely get to use. Lets be honest, how often do you use that waffle machine? Or that toaster? With the busy lifestyle that you live, it might not be practical to keep these appliances around. Specially when you know that they not only consude energy but also take up space unnecessarily. You can always get your appliances back for that occasional bake off or even the cooking you might do during the holidays.
Freelance job
Besides your full-time job, are you in the process of embarking on a side hussle? They have taken a common place currently since it is important to always engage in what you enjoy once in a while. Even if this means you are an avid artist, you manufacture candles or even create funky pieces of clothing. A mini storage unit would be a viable place to keep the items that are required to keep your mini start up or business flowing.
If on the other hand, you are a pet owner or a parent, stressing over whether your kids or pets would run over your products is normal. Now you have absolutely nothing to worry about since your end product will be placed in safe hands.
What should you consider in mini storage?
Is this your first time keeping your items in mini storage? Prior to picking a mini storage facility of your choice, there are several factors to keep in mind. Below are several factors for you to consider.
Location of the mini storage facility
The location of your mini storage facility is in fact a lot more important than you would have thought. Whether or not the solution is viable would depend on its location. This is because the main reason attributed to customers choosing this option is the feature of accessibility. Be sure to choose an option that is located closer to your residence. On the other hand, mini storage units located closer to an area that is urban would tend to cost a lot more.
Size of the facility
Suppose the storage facility is rather small. While this is completely fine, the range of options offered to its clients is relatively low. On the other hand, a storage facility that is rather big and spacious would have a lot to offer to its customers. You will have a wide range of options and sizes to choose from, so you will only be paying for the services chosen.
How accessible is it?
The point of opting for a mini storage facility is to be able to access your items whenever the need arises. Imagine not being able to access your items when you need to? Not only would that indicate a waste of money, but also largely render the facility inefficient.
This is why it would probably be a great idea to check on the opening hours of the mini storage facility. This will enable you to get an idea of when you will be granted access to your items and when you will not be able to. Ideally, we would suggest you opt for a solution that grants you 24/7 access to your valuables.
Cost of mini storage units
The cost of the mini storage unit is vital when planning out your storage process. It helps you plan out your finances if you are in saving mode. Lots of youngsters often find themselves saving during this point of time in their lives. Storage most certainly isn’t an aspect you would wish to spend exorbitantly in.
You might want to consider the size, the amenities offered, and the period of time in which you wish to keep your items in storage. This will help you get an idea of how much your mini storage facility would cost you ahead of time.
Keeping flexibility as well as convenience in mind. Most storage companies offer solutions that work best in their customer’s favour. However, we suggest you pay attention to the payment deadlines. Without which you might have to encounter the payment of unnecessary arrears as a consequence of the non payment of fees on time.
Is it secure?
Is your mini storage facility secure? After all, this must be contemplated ahead of time since you will be keeping your precious valuables in storage. That too for a considerable period of time. If you cannot trust your storage service provider, then that is a bad indication of its service.
The whole purpose you would resort to this service would be to obtain a solution that is secure. To actually be able to access your items with the conclusion of the period of time you hope to keep your items in storage.
Amenities offered
prior to deciding on a mini storage solution, you must consider the amenities offered. These may range anywhere in between temperature controlled facilities, cleaning services, surveillance etc.
It is ofcourse worthy to keep in mind that these are not features that are mandatory. For instance, where temperature controlled facilities are concerned. It will not always be necessary.
However, this might not be the case if you plan on keeping sensitive items in storage. In which event it might be worthy to take a look at the stability of temperature. This ensures the overall quality of items such as photographs, linen or even leather is maintained.
How clean is the facility?
Cleanliness is important in general where any storage facility is concerned. At the end of the day it is a place of storage for items that belong to many people and not one. If they premises were rendered to be unclean, then that would indicate damage to items of a large number of customers.
You might want to consider whether the storage facility maintains an extensive system of cleaning. This ensures that the company takes adequate measures to maintain a clean environment free of pests, dust and dirt. This is a plus point for companies as it will certainly increase their costumer loyalty and overall rating.