Vehicle storage units

Storage in Dubai offers vehicle storage units are safe, reliable and clean, all things that are good for your precious vehicle!
What exactly are vehicle storage units?
Before we get into all the good perks of vehicle storage, lets first take a look at what it is. Vehicle storage is a place designed for all sorts of vehicles safely. This will obviously, depend on the storage company you choose. From cars to buses and RVs. You can practically keep any vehicle in storage units nowadays. This type of storage is becoming extremely common in Dubai. This is because we see a large number of expats entering the country every year. This bit of information would be important to you if this is the first time you have decided to keep you vehicle in storage units. When anyone talks storage, the first thing that comes to mind is boxed storage. Or storage for your everyday items like furniture and personal items. It does not really end there either. With this you are also entitled to other benefits that are as amazing.
Vehicle storage units for car Storage
A car is an investment. Just as any other vehicle is. You might want to keep your car in storage for many reasons. Perhaps you are moving abroad for a couple of months. Maybe you are completely uprooting your life to shift back to your home. Or you could be travelling around the country for some time. Whichever your reason is, car storage is a common thing these days. You can keep your car stored for as long as or as little as you can. The type of storage you choose for it will depend on the duration. Like, say an indoor arena is best if you are keeping your car in storage in the longer term. It will keep your car safe from external factors that can be harmful to your car.
Types of car storage offered to you
You can choose the type of car storage depending on what works best for your needs.
Dedicated storage units
This is more or less like a VIP storage facility for your car. Dedicated storage allows you to keep your car in a storage unit that has been allocated just to accommodate your car. For a given period of time. Only you will have access to it for as long as you decide to keep it in storage. No one else can enter the premises without your permission or authority. Mainly because only your car will be kept safe inside the storage unit. This gives your exotic, luxury or vintage car the protection it deserves.
Variable storage units indoors
This is a general option which also happens to be quite common. A covered vehicle storage facility will be offered to you. This lets you keep your car in storage together with vehicles that belong to other customers. Not everyone will need to keep their cars in storage for a long period of time. If your need is also short term, then this option will work best for you. It gives the car enough protection while also being budget friendly.
Outdoor storage option
If your need is even temporary, the outdoor variable storage option is also available for you. This however is uncovered, naturally, it is not advisable for you to keep your car in this option for an extended period of time. This is to say if you do not plan to receive services for a long period of time. It will only remain outdoors for the limited period you are planning to keep your car in storage.
Boat storage units
Owning a boat can be entertaining and fun. Specially when you get to take it for a spin over the months of summer. Let us say you own a summer house which you visit every year. You will need a place to keep your boat until you can take it out again. After all, boats are expensive and are a real investment. If you lack enough space at home, boat storage units are a great place to keep them. Boat storage is mainly of three types. In water , dry outdoor and dry indoor options.
Dry indoor boat storage
This option provides your boat the most protection if the safety aspect is what you are after. If you own a yacht or a luxury boat that you paid a ton for, such facilities might be ideal. Your boat will be kept in a covered facility. It will be placed on a rack that is covered. You must also be mindful of the fact that it costs the most in comparison to the other options. So, it might not be ideal if you are on a tight budget.
Dry outdoor boat storage
Boats are naturally meant to be exposed to external factors. Out door dry boat storage option also happens to be the most common option because it tends to cost less. It is both protective and safe all at an affordable price point. You will come across many boat storage companies. It really is a matter of asking the company how they keep it in storage and the connected services.
Storing a boat in water
There are two main in water storage types. Dock storage and dock lifts. In the former, you can proceed to rent a dock in the marina for as long as you wish. Possibly an entire year if that is what you wish for. It is the most affordable option out of the rest. However, in terms of practicality, questions might arise. Especially when you consider keeping your boat in storage during the winter months. It might be too cold and so would not the best for your boat. On the other hand, with regard to dry dock lifts, some companies offer trailers. These trailers let you keep your boat in storage while ensuring they are still in the water. The bottom of your boat will be protected as it will be raised just as required. This way the boat will not be subject to damage due to water immersion.
Boat storage and costs
The costs associated with boat storage will largely depend on two things. Location and size. Boats come in all sizes. They can be a small boat or large yachts. Which ever it may be, companies factor in the size of your boat before they provide you with an estimation. The area also plays an important role when deciding the cost of boat storage. For instance, a more urban area will cost you a lot more than a less urbanised area would. The type of facility you choose will also decide on the cost. If you decide to keep you boat in an indoor boat storage unit for instance. Your boat will be placed on a rack designed specifically for the indoor storage of boats. This is of course not counting maintenance fees. Most companies offer facilities and services to maintain your boat while in storage. This is to ensure the quality of your boat isn’t dropped and you will be able to take it for a spin almost immediately, should the need arise.
Storage of boats during the winter
Depending on the type of boat you own, you will be able to keep them in the water despite the climate. If you live in areas with tropical climates year round then this wouldn’t really be an issue. However certain parts of the world change with the seasons. Winter is one of these. In snowy parts of the world, keeping the boat in the water might not be ideal. It might in fact be detrimental to your boat since it will freeze everything up. In such instances, it would be advisable to keep your boat stored on land and in a covered storage unit. Typically a rack type facility which would be ideal. This will show and increase in your boat’s longevity.
Vehicle storage units for RVs
RV, being short for Recreational Vehicle is essentially your home away from home when you travel. Since these vehicles are only put to use potentially once, twice or thrice a year max, you will need a place to keep them in storage. Especially if you do not have adequate space at home. They are relatively large vehicles that will require a considerable amount of space. The best to maintain the longevity of your RV would be to keep them in storage. This keeps it safe year around should that be your requirement. it would be ideal to keep it in a facility that is covered for maximum protection. Inclement weather can cause the abrasion of your vehicle. Temperature controlled storage units for your RV would be best at protecting it during the winter, especially.
RV prep
We think, winter can be absolutely detrimental to your RV. You will need to properly winterize it or prepare it ahead of time for the period of time it will not be running. The RV will have to be sealed correctly too, if not it will be a safe haven for bugs. A bug infestation is the last thing you’d need, trust us.
Cleaning the RV for vehicle storage units
If your RV has covers or blinds, ensure you pull them down. Direct sunlight tends to harm any furniture or the interior of the RV. If you happen to see any cracks by the window, you might want to get them fixed or repaired right away. Check cabinets and drawers for leftover wrappers or food or snacks that you might have left unattended. Be sure to clean off the crumbs so pests don’t indulge in them while your vehicle is in storage.
Storage of battery
You must take steps to remove the battery and this has to be kept separately. Keep it stored in a clean dry place which is cool.
Stabilizing fuel
Pump some fuel into the tank and stabilize the fuel by adding some fuel stabilizer. To ensure the stabilizer gets evenly distributed throughout the system keep it running for some time.
Vehicle storage units for motorcycles
Vehicle storage units are ideal for practically any type of vehicle, including your motorcycle. Do you anticipate on not using for a long period of time? If so, do you feel like you lack sufficient space in your home? Perhaps you live in an apartment and you have no space to store your motorbike. If this is the case, then you will benefit greatly from vehicle storage units built just for motorcycles. Before you decide to store your motorbike, you must first decide on the type of storage. Safety is key. Finding a storage unit that is safe should be top priority, always. This is because you will not be around to keep tabs and check on it all the time. Finding a storage company that prioritises the safety of your vehicle round the clock is imperative. After all, your prized possession will be in the safe hands of the storage unit at all times. Another would be to consider the time period in which you wish to keep your vehicle in storage. You really can keep a motorbike for as long as of for as little as you wish.
How important is it to prepare your motorbike?
Preparing your motorbike ahead of time will minimize the chances of potentially damaging it in the long run. After all, there is only so much a storage company could also do. It requires a lot more work than just a rash decision to toss the motorbike in storage. This preparation could take days or even weeks perhaps. This goes as far as preparing the engine of your vehicle to prepare its exterior. Here are a few pointers on what you could do.
Prevention of oxidation
Proper storage declines any future possibility of oxidation. If your vehicle is exposed to the external environment, rusting and corrosion is to be expected. What this does is that it would cause a decline in the value of your motorbike. Let’s be honest, motorbikes are not exactly cheap either. It is an investment. Quite particularly if you hope to keep a vintage or superbike in storage. Coming back to a discoloured mess which once was a shiny and bright motorbike would be soul crushing.
Degradation of fuel
When a motorbike sits in one place for a prolonged period of time, its fuel tank will be subject to degradation, as it is common with practically any type of vehicle. Fuel tends to decline in its quality and this can harm your fuel tank and even engine. It will even cause problems when your motorbike is up and running. For instance, there are many ways in which fuel can degrade your vehicle. For one, ethano, which forms the main component of fuel tends to absorb water. This will the cause a separation in gas which will ultimately lead to condensation. Corrosion is the unlikely resultant of this and water will act as a contributing factor for this. Mechanical failures and the degradation of your motorbike is the resultant which will possibly have a lasting impact on your motorbike. Ethanol also causes wear and tear since it is so powerful to the point that it is capable of dissolving any form of lubrication in the engine.
Trailer storage
There are affordable and safe ways in which you can keep your trailer in storage. Campers and trailers must be stored in a safe place, so that they are not subject to damage. We understand that you will only use it a couple of times a year. Vehicle storage units for trailers are useful when protecting them against incremental weather conditions. As it is the case with most vehicles, you must choose a unit that is appropriate for your trailer. We understand that growing amidst the plethora of information can be daunting. We suggest you contact your storage company directly. Speaking to a representative will help clear out any doubt.s, if any. Do not hesitate to clear out any doubt you may have. Next, be sure to keep your trailer in a covered storage unit. This will protect it against absolutely anything. Inclement weather conditions, pests and dust, you name it. Your home storage might not be the best at protecting your trailer against such conditions, hence why we suggest you get the professionals to assist you with this. After all, a faded trailer or camper isn’t exactly ideal now, is it?